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Memo Paris - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine

Memo Paris

3 Results

Memo Paris - Marfa

from $16.000 - $200.000

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Memo Paris - Ocean Leather

from $16.000 - $200.000

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Memo Paris - Lalibela

from $16.000 - $200.000

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memo as a souvenir

"The journey is the destination" is Memo's motto: it is an integral part of the experience, it is essential for the encounter with beauty to take place. Creating a perfume is part of the same movement; It is also a matter of patience and demand to achieve the desired olfactory landscape. True to this vision of beauty, Memo redraws the map of a sensitive world rich in emotions, creating a unique olfactory world map.

The Parisian fragrance house launched in 2007 by Clara Molloy and her husband John sees fragrance as a journey, forging its identity around magical destinations and potent raw materials. This desire to travel to distant places and encounters is the very reflection of the founding couples: she, the Parisian-Catalan poet; he, the Irish globe-trotting jock.