contact us
Write us for any questions, suggestions or if you are looking for a particular perfume and thus help you.
Our location
Vitacura, Chile
Kennedy Avenue 5770 of. 611
Attention schedule:
Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00
Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Useful Articles
Morph: La Metamorfosis de la Perfumería
La travesía de Morph comienza en 2002, cuando el hijo de un obrero metalúrgico, impulsado por la búsqueda de un desafío y de impulsar creatividad, abre una pequeña perfumería. En...
Puredistance: Master Perfumes
PUREDISTANCE: ONE OF THE LAST TRULY EXCLUSIVE PERFUME HOUSES IN THE WORLD Puredistance is one of the most exclusive perfume houses in the world and is known for the Magnificent...