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Initio Parfums Privés - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine

Home Parfums Prives

Initio. El Inicio. El origen, una vuelta a la esencia del perfume.
El perfume, tan antiguo como la civilización, siempre se ha utilizado por su poder sobre el cuerpo y el alma.
Initio hace revivir esos conocimientos y fórmulas ancestrales.
Bienvenido al misterioso mundo de Initio Parfums Privés

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"God creates odors, men perfumes."

Initio - The Latin word has two meanings: "The beginning." The origin, a return to the essence of perfume, in its original, magical and sacred function. Or: "Start". An initiation to discover perfume as an object of power.

The origin comes from when perfume was the invisible link between earth and heaven, between men and God: Perfume - per fumum - of smoke. When perfume was used for its powers. Power to heal, to purify, to communicate with God, to seduce or bewitch... Perfume, as old as civilization, has always been used for its power over body and soul.

Today, Initio revives those ancestral knowledge and formulas, previously reserved only for a few initiates, mixing the best quality raw materials, known for their active powers when combined with each other... Combined with the magic of science to create the quintessence. A substance with spectacular effects to reveal the irresistible side of each person.

Welcome to the mysterious world of Initio Parfums Privés.