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M. Micallef - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine

M. Micallef

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M. Micallef - DesirToxic

from $13.500 - $220.500

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The French perfumery M.Micallef was founded in 1996 in Grasse, the perfume capital of the world. Born from the alchemy between Martine Micallef and Geoffrey Nejman, this family business developed the "Art and Perfume" concept. The secret of M.Micallef's success? Unmatched creative freedom in the world of perfumery.

Artistic director and above all an artist, Martine Micallef has been able to instill a unique soul into her brand in the world of niche perfumery. Anchored in its time, in search of an authenticity dedicated to custom creations.

After an early career dedicated to international finance, Geoffrey Nejman, aided by Grasse's "nose" Jean-Claude Astier, launched into perfume creation and founded Parfums M. Micallef with his wife Martine Micallef. Self-taught and endowed with an exceptional "nose", Geoffrey Nejman creates voluptuous scores dedicated to emotion.

If the inspiration of Martine Micallef and Geoffrey Nejman wanders with pleasure in the universe of dreams, the duo is nevertheless down-to-earth and keeps its hands on flowers, actively committing itself to virtuous perfumery. Adopting a short circuit "from flower to bottle", the company is the exclusive partner of a horticultural farm in Grasse located close to its factory and workshop.