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Beaufort London - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine

Beaufort London

2 Results

Beaufort London - Terror & Magnificence

from $36.000 - $200.000

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Beaufort London - Rake & Ruin

from $24.000 - $200.000

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Founded in 2013 by musician Leo Crabtree, BeauFort London was inspired by his early experiences at sea and a very British obsession with the elements. At first, the brand was a vehicle for a single product: handcrafted mustache wax in a billet aluminum case, a response to poorly executed men's grooming products.

As the poetics of fragrance production were explored in these early experiments, it soon became clear that this was where the brand needed to focus. When delving into the history of perfume (a word derived from the Latin phrase "per fumum", meaning "through smoke"), it was decided that fragrances should literally be based on this etymology, harnessing the many olfactory facets of smoke to create a singular fragrance that seeks to evoke memories, both real and apparent.