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Agatho Parfum - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine

Agatho Parfum

5 Results

Agatho Parfum - Discovery Set - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine
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Agatho Parfum - Discovery Set


Unit price

Agatho Parfum - Faun

from $16.500 - $268.000

Unit price

Agatho Parfum - 195 BC

from $18.000 - $292.000

Unit price

Agatho Parfum - Rossopompeiano

from $17.000 - $280.000

Unit price

Agatho Parfum - Giardinodiercole

from $17.000 - $276.000

Unit price

In ancient Pompeii, Agatho created salves for the aristocracy of the Roman Empire. According to legend, the master perfumer was endowed with such talent and had such a deep knowledge of materials that his essences were considered the work of the gods.

This olfactory project rediscovers and celebrates the excellence of these ointments and gives a contemporary touch to the olfactory landscape of the market through the use of the highest quality natural materials. The legacy of history, the essence of the future.

Its perfumes are presented in exclusive and elegant packaging: handmade porcelain bottles seal the fragrances. Manufacturing techniques have been passed down since 1740 by the Real Fabbrica di Capodimonte, founded by the philanthropist King Charles III of Bourbon, under whose reign excavations at Pompeii began.