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Olfactory fatigue: What it is and how to avoid it

Fatiga olfativa: Qué es y cómo evitarla

The aromas evoke memories of all kinds. They can be specific experiences that marked your life or a specific place. But, in addition to being like a time machine, fragrances also influence the well-being of the person who wears them. Spraying a perfume lifts your spirits and increases self-confidence. It gives you a refreshing boost, perfect for the busiest and most stressful days.

Freshness, confidence and a positive mood are key benefits of using perfumes. However, what happens when you don't feel a fragrance? I tell you: in that case, you are experiencing olfactory fatigue.

The reality of olfactory fatigue

Olfactory fatigue requires attention within perfumery and the exploration of aromas. This occurs when our nasal receptors gradually become less sensitive to certain odors, leading to the misconception that certain fragrances smell like nothing.

Mechanics of olfactory fatigue

Olfactory fatigue is an adaptation mechanism. Prolonged exposure to certain odors causes our olfactory receptors to adapt, reducing sensitivity, a natural defense against sensory overload. Over time, this adaptation process results in a decrease in the perception of odors.

Also called nasal blindness or olfactory adaptation, this condition is common and temporary. Olfactory fatigue is a sensory adaptation that can occur when constantly working with the same or familiar smells. Just as you get used to the typical smell of a house full of pets or the chemicals in beauty salons, your nose can also adapt to other fragrances.

Nasal blindness is a common experience for perfume lovers, as the body adapts to each perfume exposure. Again, this is a common condition and a common inability to detect certain odors. It most likely cannot be prevented, but there are several ways to cure this condition.

Individual variability and environmental influences

It is important to note that olfactory fatigue can manifest differently in each person due to genetic variations, health problems or lifestyle factors. In addition, external elements such as air pollution, strong odors or exposure to chemicals can accelerate the saturation of the nose.

Strategies to combat and control olfactory fatigue

The revelation of the coffee bean: A great neuroscientific advance

Neuroscientist Noam Sobel's research revolutionized the management of olfactory fatigue. This scientist stated:

"Smelling coffee aroma between perfume samples, compared to smelling unscented air, really works. The perceived intensity of the perfume odor from sample to sample remained the same after smelling the coffee aroma, while it decreased when smelling the air between samples. The pleasant sensation of the perfume, however, was similar after smelling coffee or air.

Inhaling the aroma of coffee beans between perfume samples resets the olfactory palate, ensuring consistent perceived odor intensity across samples without compromising pleasantness.

Human skin: An unconventional "cleanser"

While strategies such as using coffee beans are adopted to reset the olfactory palate, there is an unconventional but useful approach to combating olfactory fatigue: simply smelling your own skin. Experts argue that the inherent odor of our skin is a natural "cleanser" for the nose, offering a brief respite and preventing prolonged desensitization to odors.

Diversification and olfactory breaks

Rotating between smells while testing perfumes is essential to avoid overexposure to a single fragrance, giving the olfactory senses time to recalibrate. Pauses between tests help maintain sensitivity and prevent saturation of the nose.

Likewise, for more consistent perfume users, it is crucial to rotate fragrances and take intermittent breaks throughout the day. This practice helps avoid prolonged exposure to a single aroma, preserving sensitivity and enjoying the overall olfactory experience.

Techniques of professional perfumers

Professional perfumers employ various techniques to combat olfactory fatigue during extensive scent evaluations. Their methods may involve sniffing unscented materials, such as fabrics, or taking longer pauses to reset their olfactory senses.

Natural palate cleansers

Using aromatherapy oils, experiencing citrus aromas, or exploring a broad spectrum of natural ingredients not only resets nasal receptors, but also reduces the risk of olfactory fatigue. Adopting sustainable practices as you use and/or test fragrances and varying a diverse range of ingredients can offer a superior olfactory experience.


Recognizing, understanding and working on olfactory fatigue greatly promotes the exploration of aromas. By recognizing individual variability and using various strategies to reestablish the olfactory palate, you promote a more balanced and pleasant olfactory experience on a daily basis.

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  • Juan Mella

    Excelente me gusto

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