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Basic knowledge of perfumes: Notes and chords

Conocimientos básicos de los perfumes: Notas y acordes - Parfumerie d'Aquitaine
Notes and chords

Simply put, notes and chords are "fantasy" notes made from several other notes to achieve a different chord (note) that could not be recreated any other way.

Such accords are leather, amber and marine notes, while notes can be bergamot, rose and vanilla. But, although it seems so simple, other things must also be taken into account.

Mixtures of alcohols + water-based odors, known as perfumes, are composed of multiple notes and accords that are made from a mixture of natural and aromatic ingredients to form an overall olfactory profile.

These notes and chords are separated into three different classes known as the perfume pyramid:

  • Output Notes
  • Heart notes
  • Background or base notes

Each of the separate stages of the pyramid is carefully created so that the perfumes evaporate accordingly.

For example, top notes, such as citrus, evaporate faster than, for example, sandalwood and patchouli, which are found in the heart or base phase of the perfume.

In modern perfumery, chords are a vital part of creating a harmonious blend of two or more notes into a distinctive fragrance.

Although this process is more complex than it seems, it is always good to know how the perfume is composed and when you can expect more natural ingredients than synthetic ones.


So, to conclude, fragrance terms called "notes" and "chords" are often used to explain roughly what consumers can expect when smelling a particular perfume.

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